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Benghazi Scandal Widens: Clinton Tied To The Demise Of Gen. Petraeus' Career; Possible Retaliation For Benghazi Talking Points Scrutiny - Page 2

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[CONTINUED]  One of the women distinctly recalls Clinton and Kelley’s mother, Rashida Khawam, as being “besties” during Clinton’s one year at the all-girls camp.  Khawam – who was larger than the other girls – acted as Clintons’ “muscle.”  Most girls tried to “steer clear” of them.  This same woman also described an awkward encounter with Clinton that prevented Clinton from being invited back the following summer.  Clinton “insisted” that the woman be her canoe partner.  When in the open water outside the view of other campers, Clinton allegedly touched her “inappropriately” while applying sunscreen to her front.

The other woman described constant clashes with Khawam.  According to this woman, Clinton was widely known to be exploring her sexuality with other girls.  Hence, most tried to avoid her but had to contend with Khawam if Clinton showed an interest.  “I know for a fact,” she said, that “many girls submitted to Clinton” to avoid retribution by Kelley.  Apparently, Khawam's Lebanese background also intimidated many of the campers.

Former director of Camp Womyntonka, Erik Larson, said that he could not confirm the identities of former campers due to confidentiality concerns.  He did describe the camp’s purpose as “building up the self-esteem and independence of future female leaders.”

The revelation of a connection between Clinton and Kelley comes after numerous other connections – including some in the media.  It is been reported that CBS News President David Rhodes’ own brother – Ben Rhodes – was a key player in revising the controversial Benghazi talking points.  Ben Rhodes is now Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication.  The president of ABC News Ben Sherwood’s sister – Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall – is the Special Assistant to the president.