Hillary Clintons What Happened Tells the Story of Love in Unexpected Places

Few D.C. pols could have predicted that Hillary Clintons doomed presidential campaign would give rise to a sizzling love affair that now graces the pages of her new memoir.  What Happened is the story of both defeat and redemption.  Its passion rises above the petty politics that most associate with the 2016 election.  [More] 


Hurricane Irma Exposes Cable News Networks

CNN and other cable news networks found that the worst Hurricane Irma devastation was not in Florida but in a worse place: their credibility.  After convincing the nation that Irma would devour the entire state of Florida, the hurricane fizzled in the Caribbean and left the hysterical media red-faced.  [More] 


Houston Mayor Orders Residents to Flush More

In an executive order that conflicts with conventional wisdom and modern environmental ethics, Houston Mayor orders residents to flush their toilets more to help clear out floodwaters.  [More]




Prof. Samuelson: Ten Unconventional Dating Tips For Single Men Based On Science

Prof. L. Michael Samuelson is a professor of sexual psychology at Santa Marino College.  He also provides dating consulting services to local single men in Santa Marino and has published over 15 books concerning dating for single men.

It seems we are inundated nowadays with self-appointed relationship and dating experts.  Let’s face it, most of these people would not last a day in today’s competitive dating environment.  What male daters need are pieces of research-based knowledge stripped of all politically correct artifices.

So here are my own top ten dating tips in no particular order.  All tips below are included in my research and regularly taught in my undergraduate courses.

 1. Accentuate The Negative.

Dating very sexy women can sometimes be like looking down from atop a high place.  It's scary!  Very sexy women can leave even the most intrepid traveler tongue-tied.  And from the sexy woman’s perspective, nothing is more boring than a nervous or fawning male suitor.

This is why it is important very early on in an exchange or relationship to recognize that your pretty young thing has physical flaws.  Quickly find physical imperfections and think about them as often as possible.  Fixate on them.  This will allow you to treat her like any other woman – the prerequisite for getting anywhere with a hot chickee.  She may even catch you looking at her flaws, become insecure and like you better for it.

2. Take Her On A Field Trip -- Your Field Trip.

Money impresses women.  Buying expensive gifts for her usually doesn’t – it makes you look needy.  So how do you signal to her that you have cash in the bank without looking like a knob?  You take her with you to buy an expensive gift for yourself.  Shopping for a new car? Take her with you. Buying some new furniture? Take her with you. Women love shopping and love men that can afford to drop some coin on a big purchase.  Salespeople build you up to close a sale, and she gets to see the show.  So many good things about these field trips.

3. Pump Up Before Pumping Her.

Not everyone wants to live at the gym or has time to work out every day.  Or maybe you’re just lame.  One thing for certain is that you fall somewhere on the physicality spectrum.  Hopefully, you belong to a gym and workout at least once a week.  Ever notice how good you feel leaving the gym?  Relaxed?  Clearheaded?  Ever go out with your buddies after working out and feel more rapport with women?

Okay, have you considered working out before an important date?  No?  Good because that is why I am writing this column.  Next time you have a date with a woman in which you really want the date to work out, try going to the gym, taking a steam, showering and putting on your party clothes at the gym.  Go directly to the date afterwards.  You will feel so good, your muscles will be pumped full of blood making you look stronger than you are and your date will admire you for looking and feeling so splendid.

4. Remember That Silence Is Golden. 

At least once in a date, there will be a pause. Shut up!  Is it getting awkward?  Still, shut up!  If she is still on the date, she wants to impress you, too.  Let her feel the need to fill the silence.  You – on the other hand – are so at ease that you can let the silence go.  Let her make the first statement.  Power shifts to you, and your date feels attracted to you.

5. Buy Threads.

As we get older we sometimes pay less attention to our threads.  But women are highly sensitive to fashion.  For a special date, buy something to wear the day of the date from a special boutique you like.  She will notice your shirt has stylings from the current year rather than one or two years ago.

Think about how important finding the right lady is.  How about your time?  Or the cash you’re going to blow on the date?  Do it right and buy fresh clothes.  It could change your life.

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