Hillary Clintons What Happened Tells the Story of Love in Unexpected Places

Few D.C. pols could have predicted that Hillary Clintons doomed presidential campaign would give rise to a sizzling love affair that now graces the pages of her new memoir.  What Happened is the story of both defeat and redemption.  Its passion rises above the petty politics that most associate with the 2016 election.  [More] 


Hurricane Irma Exposes Cable News Networks

CNN and other cable news networks found that the worst Hurricane Irma devastation was not in Florida but in a worse place: their credibility.  After convincing the nation that Irma would devour the entire state of Florida, the hurricane fizzled in the Caribbean and left the hysterical media red-faced.  [More] 


Houston Mayor Orders Residents to Flush More

In an executive order that conflicts with conventional wisdom and modern environmental ethics, Houston Mayor orders residents to flush their toilets more to help clear out floodwaters.  [More]



Michelle Obama's Visit To Middle School Erupts Into A Food Fight - Page 2



The White House denied rumors of harsh treatment towards students by the Secret Service or any other individuals accompanying the first lady.  Ms. Obama has yet to comment on the incident.

Food nutritionist and singer-songwriter Monica Hynes-Gibson, CDN, said that poor nutrition could have contributed to the incident.  “The aggressive behavior of these kids could be the result of poor nutrition,” she said.  “If kids do not have the vitamins and minerals they need, their behavior suffers.”  Hynes-Gibson is a spokesperson for Ms. Obama’s healthy lunch initiative.