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New Obama Term May Bring More Obama Personal Flair To White House Styling – African-American Influence Anticipated

Published November 5, 2012


With an Obama victory secured, attention turns to the next Obama administration.  As well as political changes, most believe that Obama will make aesthetic changes to the White House and the White House fleet of vehicles to suit his style.

An unidentified friend of Michelle Obama said that she has been “chomping at the bit” to update some of the decorations in the White House but was held back by political concerns.  “Michelle has great taste but before the reelection could not express herself because of middle America concerns,” said the source.

Among the first to change will be the White House limousine fleet.  The First Lady wants to add flare to the limousine used by the president – notwithstanding concerns that they will help identify his car to wrongdoers.  “Michelle wants to raise Barack’s car and add some accessories,” said the source.

The First Lady also plans to make changes to the Oval Office in keeping with Afro-American traditions.  “Michelle wants to let hair down a little this term,” said the source.

Click for larger imagePresidential historian Joyce Kerns-Goodwin said that first ladies frequently place their mark on the White House – particularly in a second term.  “Once the president is re-elected, nothing they do has political ramifications.”  Also, first ladies seem to impart their own culture into the White House.  “Famously, Lady Bird Johnson made some choices that showed her Texas roots,” she said.  “She installed a post-Federalist writing table in a guest room and it caused quite a ruckus,” she said. 

Eventually, design changes sink in and become part of the national fabric.  “The D.C. crowd sometimes gasps at the changes, but they bring a bit of America into the White House.”

The D.C. crowd sometimes gasps at the changes, but they bring a bit of America into the White House.” - presidential historian Joyce Kerns-Goodwin

Since Michelle Obama has strong Afro-American roots, is expected that she will borrow from styles advancing her own background.

The LBT style editor Gordon Herr has created his own images as to what the new White House limousine and Oval Office will look like for the next four years.