Hillary Clintons What Happened Tells the Story of Love in Unexpected Places

Few D.C. pols could have predicted that Hillary Clintons doomed presidential campaign would give rise to a sizzling love affair that now graces the pages of her new memoir.  What Happened is the story of both defeat and redemption.  Its passion rises above the petty politics that most associate with the 2016 election.  [More] 


Hurricane Irma Exposes Cable News Networks

CNN and other cable news networks found that the worst Hurricane Irma devastation was not in Florida but in a worse place: their credibility.  After convincing the nation that Irma would devour the entire state of Florida, the hurricane fizzled in the Caribbean and left the hysterical media red-faced.  [More] 


Houston Mayor Orders Residents to Flush More

In an executive order that conflicts with conventional wisdom and modern environmental ethics, Houston Mayor orders residents to flush their toilets more to help clear out floodwaters.  [More]



Speculation Grows That Obama Visited D.C. Mosque During Ramadan

Professional Photographer Catches Mysterious Figure On Film Who Attends Ramadan Services And Resembles Pres. Obama



WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Barack Obama’s religious status has been in question by conspiracy theorists and the “ignorant” since before his election.  Now some photos taken by a professional photographer have even some of the president’s supporters scratching their heads.

The photos were provided to the LBT by Eric Backenheimer, who describes himself as a “political paparazzi.”  Backenheimer – who speaks with a strong German accent – is one of only about 10 so-called political paparazzi in Washington.  This small cadre of photographers stalk senators, congressmen and, occasionally, the POTUS instead of Hollywood celebrities.  “It’s a good gig because the competition is not so much like in Hollywood,” said Backenheimer.

At about 6 a.m. on the morning of Saturday, July 21, the Muslim holy month of Ramadan was just two days old.  Backenheimer was staking out the White House on the corner of Pennsylvania Ave. and 15th St. waiting for signs of the president’s familiar stretch limousine and motorcade.

“From that spot on 15th St. I can see [the president’s motorcade] heading out on any eastbound artery,” said Backenheimer.  It was a hot morning, and Backenheimer was not expecting much activity.  “My girlfriend wanted me to stay at home since the president usually sleeps in on Saturdays,” he said.  “But in my business opportunity comes when you least expect it.”

“But in my business opportunity comes when you least expect it.”

Indeed, opportunity did come for Backenheimer that fateful morning.  At approximately 6:45 a.m. a black Town Car with a White House license plate – and without a motorcade – sped from White House grounds northeast on New York Ave. NW.  “I had this gut feeling that ‘Renegade’ [POTUS’ Secret Service codename] was up to something.”

followed the Town Car until it made an illegal turn onto 9th St. going in the wrong direction and headed northwest on major D.C. artery Massachusetts Ave.  “The driver started making turns at the last moment and double backing to shake off anyone,” said Backenheimer.  “But I’m good [at tailing], and he did not see me.”

Part II of Speculation Grows That Obama Visited D.C. Mosque During Ramadan