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Romney Family Dog Takes To The Campaign Trail Despite Protests Of Animal Rights Advocates

Published September 3, 2012

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s  2012 Campaign has launched a full-court press to court Latino voters.  During the GOP Convention, Romney’s Spanish-speaking son, Craig, gave a pitch for his father to Latino voters.

Yesterday Craig Romney introduced to select members of the media another Spanish-speaking Romney family member: the Romney family Golden Retriever “Buster.”  According to Craig, Buster learned Spanish “from our Guatemalan nanny Corina” and will be used to underscore the Romney family's Latino ties.

“It’s easy to forget that the story of our family’s success begins with the story of our dead nanna Corina,” he said, becoming emotional as he spoke and needing to take breaks several times.   “Corina came to this country with little more than hope in the opportunity of America and instilled in us a strong belief in the Spanish language.”

After delivering more words about the Romney family’s background in Mexico and shared family values, Craig unveiled Buster.  He demonstrated Buster’s Spanish skills by having him sentarse [sit],  meter [lay down], hablar [speak] and mendigar [beg].  Before Craig asked Buster to beg, he quipped “here is one Democratic voters know a lot about.”  Not all in attendance were pleased with the remark, but they did enjoy watching Buster perform.

Romney 2012 Campaign officials indicate that Buster will be touring shopping malls in Latino population centers in Nevada and Colorado – two battleground states with strong Latino populations –  with his trainer showing  off his Spanish skills.  Buster’s show will include a mariachi band and professional dancers.  A select number children will be permitted to pet Buster after the show.

“We can assume but no one knows how Buster would vote.  Why should he be forced to endorse Romney?”

This is the first time on record that a canine has taken to the campaign trail for his master, and not all are pleased.  PETA spokesperson Rhonda Marks said the performance might seem amusing but sets a bad precedent.  “People cannot be forced to endorse a candidate against their will, and dogs cannot give consent,” she said.  “We can assume but no one knows how Buster would vote.  Why should he be forced to endorse Romney?” The Buster imbroglio follows the doggie-on-the-roof scandal last year when it was revealed Romney stored the prior family pet on the car roof during a road trip.

So far, Romney isn't breaking through among Latino voters, still trailing President Barack Obama by huge margins.  Dog expert and native Mexican Cesar Milano is skeptical that Buster will help win over Latinos.   “The golden retriever has never been popular in Mexico or Latin America,” he said.

“Buster is great to work with and he just loves to perform,” said trainer Kim Schiller.  “Goldens have a great disposition even if they are not as quick as shepherds.”