Hillary Clintons What Happened Tells the Story of Love in Unexpected Places

Few D.C. pols could have predicted that Hillary Clintons doomed presidential campaign would give rise to a sizzling love affair that now graces the pages of her new memoir.  What Happened is the story of both defeat and redemption.  Its passion rises above the petty politics that most associate with the 2016 election.  [More] 


Hurricane Irma Exposes Cable News Networks

CNN and other cable news networks found that the worst Hurricane Irma devastation was not in Florida but in a worse place: their credibility.  After convincing the nation that Irma would devour the entire state of Florida, the hurricane fizzled in the Caribbean and left the hysterical media red-faced.  [More] 


Houston Mayor Orders Residents to Flush More

In an executive order that conflicts with conventional wisdom and modern environmental ethics, Houston Mayor orders residents to flush their toilets more to help clear out floodwaters.  [More]




Romney Parries Left By Invoking Rev. Wright

May 19, 2012


LYNCHBURG, Va - Presidential candiate Mitt Romney proved that the primary has ended by citing President Obama's controversial former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright.  While delivering a graduation speech at Christiant Liberty University, Romney referred to some of Wright's more controversial sermons but in less demonstrative tones.  "Let's face it," Romney said.  "America has left some people behind.  America failed in providing liberty to all its citizens.  In some ways, we have a shameful past.  You know, sometimes I just want to shout, 'Darn it, America!  Darn it, America!"  Republican strategest Michael Earl pointed out that there could be more to come.  "We should expect to hear some reflective statements from Romney about America's place in the world and its responsbsiblities for the past," said Earl.  "He needs to get to the middle to win the general election."

"You know, sometimes I just want to shout, 'Darn it, America!  Darn it, America!'"

Romney's spouse, Ann Romney, did not respond to telephone calls or email requests for comment.  She is believed to be en route to suburban Detroit, Michigan where she will be delivering a speech to high school students.  Ms. Romney has expanded her role on her husbands campain in recent weeks.