Alphabet (parent company of Google, Inc.) has announced an audacious plan to land rovers on the lunar surface that will mark a giant "G" by raking the moon's sun-bleached soil. The plan has both its critics and supporters.
Many Americans along the West Coast have been fearful that dangerous radiation from the Japanese nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant would drift across the Pacific Ocean and injure Americans. Apart from sea creatures struck down by radiation that have drifted to U.S. shores, Americans have seen no impact from Fukushima – until now, that is.
In an experiment, the researchers applied state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to the brain of a 37-year-old patient named “Alex” (not his real name). Alex was able to convey a “yes” or “no” just by thinking about moving his right or left arm. Although his limbs have not worked in over 10 years, a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) scanner could detect which limb he was thinking about moving.

Investigative journalist Adam M. Barr was working on a story in Afghanistan near the Pakistani border when the terrorist group Al-Badr kidnapped him. A CIA-led rescue mission was organized. Barr was rescued, but only moments after his beheading. Less than 24 hours later a German hospital successfully reattached his head to his body in a radical new procedure. Barr lives to tell the tale of his beheading.

For the second time in recent months, a giant sea creature has washed ashore in California. First it was a rare oarfish that had grown to a freakish 100-foot length. This time it was a giant squid measuring a whopping 160 feet from head to tentacle tip. These giants look different but experts believe they share one important commonality: they both come from the waters near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant in the Futaba District of Japan.
On Friday, people strolling on the beach in Santa Monica discovered what might be the largest modern fish ever to roam the seas washed up on the shore. Dubbed “Godzilla Fish” by the media, the 95-foot colossus started its life as a rare oarfish. Scientists believe that following the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant in the Futaba District of Japan, the oarfish suffered genetic mutations that triggered uncontrolled growth – or “radioactive gigantism.”

It's the future. You're racing down the highway when, all of a sudden, the driver ahead of you slows down. You know you need to hit the brakes to avoid an accident, but your foot can't move fast enough. You're about to rear-end the guy, except...

Miles, was among the first babies born in the United States from a frozen egg – or “oocyte.” Now eight years old, Miles looks like almost any other child. But Miles and many children like him born of frozen oocytes have shown a number of novel medical issues, the most prominent of which is a natural body temperature below 97-degrees Fahrenheit.
In the first study to evaluate the health risks of exposure to microwave popcorn fumes, researchers have found that the risks are well above the acceptable level. The study assessed the risk for lung cancer and heart disease deaths among popcorn eaters and also – the first study to do so – among bystanders.