Study Finds Unattractive Women A Major Cause Of Erectile Dysfunction

It seems that one cannot watch a sporting event or news program on television today without seeing at least one ad for an erectile dysfunction (“ED”) drug. “Can’t get it up anymore?” they seem to chide male viewers. A new study suggests that it is not men but their female partners that could be to blame for many ED cases.
The new study authored by Santa Marino College Professor of Urology Isaac Herzl suggests men may experience ED because their female partner is too unattractive to elicit ample sexual arousal. The findings have wide ranging implications in the pharmaceutical and marriage counseling industries that treat the roughly 500,000 men diagnosed with ED each year.
“The study shows that many – in fact the majority – of men supposedly suffering from some form of ED spring to life if presented with a novel and attractive partner,” said Professor Herzl. The study, published in the February 2013 edition of the journal Nature, measured the degree of angle of erection of men of various ages in response to women of various levels of attraction. “If the woman was attractive enough, even men diagnosed with ED looked like toll bridges making way for the QE3,” said Professor Herzl.
The study is believed to be the first of its kind measuring angle of erection versus attractiveness of the female partner. Some critics point out that factoring in the attractiveness of the female partner is fraught with uncertainty. “All women are beautiful,” said Pamela Block-Margolis, professor of Feminist Studies at Arizona State University. “You just cannot judge how cute one girl is, because there is inner beauty and beautiful qualities no matter how old or round a woman is.”
When presented with women ranked “1” through “3,” many men 50 and up preferred eating potato chips...
Prof. Herzl defends the study’s methodology of ranking women by appearance. “Some men might disagree by a point or two [on a one through 10 scale] but men are very precise,” he said. As well as the men rating the women, they achieved the most robust erections in response to the same women. “The proof is in the erectile pudding,” said Prof. Herzl.
Indeed, for every age cohort women ranked “10” obtained the most acute angle erections. Men over 60 years of age achieved erections with women ranked “5” and up but could achieve an average of 45-degree erections with women ranked “10.” When presented with women ranked “1” through “3,” many men 50 and up preferred eating potato chips and watching images of sporting events over copulation.
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