U.S. Must Get Out Of South Korea – Hyundais And Hot Chicks Be Damned

Let us get something straight. Korean women are the best looking of our Asian varietals. I know those bony Southeast Asian women have their proponents, but Southeast Asians make only the best-looking transvestites.
But how about those Hyundais? Each passing year they look more and more like a genuine Mercedes. Not my style, but they sure are trying.
Here is the question: Isn't it worth giving up Korean snatch and Hyundais to get our people out of South Korea and get a clear shot at Kim Jong-un before they can vaporize Disneyland with a long range missile?
Let’s get introspective. Our original reason for being there -- keeping Communism in check -- is over. We have no compelling reason to be there.
On the other hand, we have plenty of reasons not to be there. Dig this: We have underestimated foreign threats before. Recall how the US so easily dismissed the rantings of Osama bin Laden? He did not have atomic bombs or missiles, but he found a way to hurt us. Why do we presume that the isolated and desperate chubby little man governing North Korea is a non-threat? Why do we presume from a half a world away and a completely different culture that he will act “rationally”? How many hostile invectives does he need to hurl our way before we consider there might be a danger?
Recall how the US so easily dismissed the rantings of Osama bin Laden?
More pointedly, when has a country with a nuclear bomb ever promised us it was going to use it on us? Russia grimaced at us and pounded the table, but never told us it was going to launch a nuclear attack. North Korea has.
All of the inept ninnies in the Washington, D.C.-New York City corridor keep assuring us that North Koreans lack the technology to arm a missile with an atomic weapon that could reach the continental United States. First, that is a little comfort to our pioneers in Alaska. More importantly – after all, who cares about Alaskans? – did we need intercontinental ballistic missiles when we used nuclear weapons? We dropped them out of airplanes over Japan!
Our same lack of imagination that allowed Muslims to fly a bunch of jet planes and into our national symbols could allow Kim Jong-un to blow a huge gaping hole in the middle of the L.A. basin.
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