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Hurricane Irma Exposes Cable News Networks

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Prof. Samuelson: Ten Unconventional Dating Tips For Single Men Based On Science

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6. Lead A Safari.

Women love to be taken places that they could never go themselves.  Nothing pleases and impresses a woman better than taking her to a small musical venue populated by non-white performers and audience members.  She gets to feel like she did on that trip to Africa where she took lots of photos of herself with little black children fascinated by her white skin AND gets to feel protected by you (not that she would ever admit feeling threatened).  You also demonstrate to her that you know fun places to go – an important trait.

With our modern version of the American female, hopeless devotion leads to quick demotion.  Keep her guessing.

7. Don't Lose Your (Cash) Wad. 

If it’s an internet date, NEVER buy a girl dinner on a first date.  It doesn’t matter if you’re rich.  She will see you as “nice” or not good enough because you are buying her approval.  If you must eat because of the time of day, explain that you would like to share a meal but because it’s a first meeting you should split the bill.  She will start questioning whether you like her or not.  This is what you want.  If you drop $150.00 on a meal and drinks on a first date you will have a much harder time getting a second.

8. Keep Up Appearances...  With Other Women, That Is.

Do everything you can to keep the activity going with other women.  If there is a woman that you really like, you’d better do your best to continue seeing other women as long as possible until you simply can’t live with yourself – or you’re town is too small.  With our modern version of the American female, hopeless devotion leads to quick demotion.  Keep her guessing.

9. Do Things.

With few exceptions, bars are not the best place to land new dates.  To get things started try to figure out a place other than work where you excel and where attractive women are present.  Lessons of some kind are good.  Physical activities are good.  Women in bars nowadays are usually looking for attention – not peni.

10. Close It Out In Three.

Women today lose interest fast.  In most large urban centers, if you don’t seal the deal within three dates you are in big trouble.  (Two places her in slut territory.)  Women only have so much time for their outsized libidos.  If they spent three dates and don’t get laid (which includes not wanting to sleep with her date) she will quickly seal the deal with “Sergio” or whomever else she’s been dating concurrently.  Be aggressive.  Close the deal in three or go out with your guns firing and knowing that you tried.  Invite yourself in if she does not offer it.

Now as I always tell my undergrads: Knock 'em out, but don't use chloroform.

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