Cartoon Explores Obama's Curious State Of Denial With Muslim Terrorism
Exclusive To The LBT -- Cartoonist Terry Paul illustrates Pres. Obama's strange attitude towards Muslim terrorism.
We can all agree on a few things in this painful time. Bombings are bad. Bombing injure people. Bombings destroy families. We all mourn the loss of our fallen police officers and civilians. The next important question is: how do we stop bombings in the future? The answer is far simpler than it might seem. Why it’s within arm’s reach.
Prof. Samuelson Gives Important Parable For Aging Female Daters
As an expert on the relations between men and women and a keen observer of the singles dating scene in the Los Angeles region, an anonymous letter I received from a local gentleman caught my attention. The bachelor had something heartfelt to say but did not quite have the words with which to say it. Accordingly, I have taken his message and put them into my own words. [More]
Hot Asians Be Damned/Get Our Troops Out Of S. Korea So We Can Bomb The North
Let us get something straight. Korean women are the best looking of our Asian varietals. True those bony Southeast Asian women have their proponents, but Southeast Asians make only the best-looking transvestites. Personally, I do not partake in either transvestites or Asian women. But how about those Hyundais? Each passing year they look more and more like a genuine Mercedes. Not my style, but they sure are trying. [More]
Schultz: Women Over 30 Are Unattractive And Need To Get A Clue
A 2011 University of Michigan study confirms that female dating value plummets even while they insist that they are "nothing less than perfect." According the study, female dating value drops into the negative range at age 47. This means that in the age of free pornography and inexpensive lubricants, men would prefer to date no one than date women over 47. Sobering news for older single women still waiting for "Mister Right." [More]
Sen. Rubio Believes Power Of Words Can Cure Broken Immigration System
We can all agree on one thing: our immigration system is broken. Now let us consider another thing that the Democrats often say: the GOP does not like immigrants. On the contrary, we are pro-legal immigration. And we recognize that our legal immigration system needs to be reformed. [More]
Restrict Females From Practicing Law And Save Us All

Jennifer Aniston Is Not Even Close To Being "Hot"
Let us get one thing straight: Jennifer Aniston is not hot. Cute, cuddly, likable, perhaps. One thing she is not, however, is “hot.” It is a national conspiracy that Ms. Aniston has been so often classified as hot. More on this later. It has been nearly 20 years since Jennifer Aniston first graced our television screens in “Friends.”